Discover Resources for Celiac Disease
Living with Celiac Disease is a life-long commitment and many resources for Celiac Disease want to help you every step of the way. A diagnosis of celiac disease can be daunting, but with help from many valuable Celiac Disease resources, finding the help you need to manage the disease effectively is possible.
There is a lot to learn about the gluten-free diet. Things can and will feel overwhelming at first, just know that the diet will get easier to manage over time. Celiac disease affects every system in the body, so many conditions can be related to this autoimmune disease.
We know exactly what you’re going through now that you are diagnosed with Celiac Disease. We have been there, too!
In this section, we feature Celiac Disease resources for the main Celiac Disease Associations & Organizations across the globe, providing you advice and best practices for people living with this serious genetic autoimmune disease.
What are the Gluten Free Certified Labels used?
Below are the current gluten free certified symbols used by various Celiac Disease Associations throughout various parts of the world:

Discover Global Celiac Disease Resources & Associations

Celiac Canada Association
The Celiac Canada Association is a volunteer-based, federally registered charitable organization with its national office in Mississauga, Ontario. It was founded in 1972 with financial assistance from the Kaufman Foundation. The association was started by two women from Kitchener, Ontario, who, from personal experience with celiac disease, recognized vital needs of people suffering from the disease.
The initial objectives were to provide information on sources of gluten-free food, to foster research and to encourage mutual support among people with celiac disease. Today the association serves people with celiac disease, non-celiac gluten sensitivity and dermatitis herpetiformis through affiliated chapters across Canada. The CCA is here to help its members regain power over every aspect of their lives. With increased research incentives powered by our donors, community networking, and mutual support, we are regaining power over our disease, our bodies, and our lives. The Celiac Canada Association provides a singular, reliable resource of information not only for Canadians living gluten free, but for their families and health care providers.
The CCA is governed by an elected national board of directors with regional representation across Canada. The Board develops policies and strategies for the association and provides leadership and guidance to chapters. Chapters are charitable organizations each of which is governed by an elected executive committee. The national office is staffed by two full-time and two part-time people.
Gluten-Free Certification Program provided by CCA
The Gluten-Free Certification Program (GFCP) is the only Canadian voluntary certification program designed for manufacturers of gluten-free food, drug and pharmaceutical products. The program is intended to differentiate products from the increasing clutter of gluten-free claims in today’s marketplace by using the Trusted Mark of the Celiac Canada Association (CCA).
The GFCP differentiates itself from other certification programs with a foundation based on proven Canadian regulatory and private sector adopted Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) systems. This approach is preventative in nature and addresses all potential hazards, including gluten, as part of a manufacturers overall safety and quality management system. This approach combined with analytical testing procedures for incoming ingredients, as well as in-process and finished products, the GFCP provides added assurance that the products carrying the mark are both safe and gluten-free.
Another key differentiator of the GFCP is that it requires the use of qualified, trained and approved independent third party auditors (not inspectors) to verify that manufacturers meet the program’s requirements on an annual basis. This third party relationship is essential to eliminate any potential conflict of interest in the certification process.
A manufacturing facility which undergoes a successful third party audit process will be recommended to the Celiac Canada Association for certification to be eligible to use the GFCP mark on product packaging and in marketing/advertising materials.
Learn more about the program:

Beyond Celiac Association
For more than 15 years, Beyond Celiac has been the leading patient advocate and research-driven celiac disease organization working to drive diagnosis, advance research and accelerate the discovery of new treatments and a cure.
By engaging with the top scientists in the field, awarding research grants, and supporting the community, Beyond Celiac envisions a world in which people with celiac disease can live healthy lives and eat without fear – a world Beyond Celiac.
Beyond Celiac unites with patients and partners to drive diagnosis, advance research and accelerate the discovery of new treatments and a cure. Finding treatment options and ultimately curing celiac disease will advance research for other autoimmune diseases.
At Beyond Celiac, they work day in and day out to ensure that people with celiac disease can live life to the fullest and eat without fear. They envision a world without celiac disease and work to inspire hope, accelerate research and forge the pathways to a cure.
Gluten-Free Certification Program (GFCP) Endorsed by Beyond Celiac
Beyond Celiac endorses the Gluten-Free Certification Program (GFCP) , a food safety-based gluten management system for manufacturers, which was created by the Allergen Control Group and the Celiac Canada Association. Beyond Celiac now brings this system to the U.S. This alliance makes the GFCP the first and only North American program endorsed by leading celiac disease organizations in both the U.S. and Canada.
As the food industry becomes increasingly globalized, Beyond Celiac believes that international alliances such as this partnership with the GFCP will play a critical role in ensuring that our gluten-free food supply is truly safe and trusted. The GFCP is a management system and facility-based certification. This means that the program does not rely solely on product testing to ensure safety, but examines the entire practices and production process of the facility – from ingredient sourcing to employee training, cleaning practices, cross-contact controls, operational management and, finally, an effective end-to-end testing plan.
The GFCP approves only those facilities that continually meet strict, good manufacturing practices for gluten-free production. Certification audits are conducted annually by Breton Herb and Garlic Gluten-Free Crackers with GFCP & NFCA Certification Sealtrained and approved, independent International Standard for Organization (ISO) and third-party accredited auditing companies. Products manufactured in facilities that have earned GFCP certification may bear a clear and easy-to-recognize certification trademark from the GFCP and endorsed by Beyond Celiac, on their packaging.
By having qualified third-party professionals involved in each major step of the certification process, the GFCP supports a system of checks and balances eliminating any potential for conflict of interest between the manufacturer’s relationship with and the program, its certifying bodies and/or Beyond Celiac.

NSF International
Manufacturers, regulators and consumers look to NSF International for the development of public health standards and certification programs that help protect the world’s food, water, consumer products and environment. Our mission is to protect and improve global human health. As an independent, accredited organization, our standards group facilitates the development of standards, and our service groups test and certify products and systems.
We also provide auditing and risk management solutions for public health and the environment. Our mission is carried out by over 2,700 global employees, including microbiologists, toxicologists, chemists, engineers, and environmental and public health professionals.
Founded in 1944 as the National Sanitation Foundation, we changed our name to NSF International in 1990 as we expanded our services beyond sanitation and into global markets. The letters in our organization’s name do not represent any specific words today.
NSF employees are passionate volunteers. Throughout the organization, NSF employees volunteer their time and resources to help organizations such as the United Way, American Red Cross, Food Gatherers, Girl Scouts of America, The Humane Society, several state and private university organizations including the University of Michigan School of Public Health, and more. Our senior executives hold board positions providing volunteer leadership to these important community organizations.
Gluten Free Certification from NSF International
The demand for gluten-free food continues to rise. Consumers concerned with ensuring they are purchasing gluten-free products are put at ease with a verification label from a trusted third-party source. NSF International’s Consumer Values Verified Program works with manufacturers and retailers to verify their ingredients and products are gluten-free through robust cross-contamination controls, auditing, testing and inspecting.
Their certification is compliant to the U.S. FDA’s Gluten-Free Labeling Final Rule and provides you and your shoppers with the power of knowledge. Not only do you gain peace of mind, but you can combine gluten-free certification with your existing food quality and safety programs to save you time and money.
The gluten-free program provides credible, verified and science-based gluten-free certification with a label consumers can trust. The program demonstrates compliance to FDA gluten-free labeling guidelines and provides additional assurance to consumers through facility inspection and testing.
When you choose NSF, you benefit from over 20 years of industry experience along with dedicated technical experts in their field. Our team of experienced and highly-trained staff and inspectors is customer-focused and driven, providing swift, efficient service and cost-effective, fixed fees. We can also bundle your food safety certification to maximize your cost efficiencies and minimize interference to your operation.

Coeliac UK
For 50 years, they have been the experts on coeliac disease and the gluten free diet. They are an independent charity helping people living without gluten to live happier, healthier lives.
They do this by providing 60,000 plus members with trustworthy advice and support, funding critical research into coeliac disease, working with healthcare professionals to improve diagnosis and fighting for better availability of gluten free food. And they do it all so that one day, no one’s life will be limited by gluten.
1 in 100 people in the UK has coeliac disease. They work to improve their experience of healthcare, ensure their gluten-free diet is easy to manage and drive research which delivers new solutions to the problems of living with the condition.
They want to see the needs of people with coeliac disease and dermatitis herpetiformis (DH) met and recognised by everyone in their everyday lives.
Their work supports everyone with coeliac disease and DH. They operate as a Membership organization and anyone with an interest in coeliac disease can join to receive their services or help with their campaign and research work.
Crossed Grain Gluten Free Symbol from Coeliac UK
The Crossed Grain symbol is a quick and easy way of identifying foods you can eat. Food products that have the Crossed Grain symbol on the packaging are gluten free and suitable for people with coeliac disease.
There are different types of licence for the symbol based on where the product is sold and what ingredients are in the product. You can tell what kind of licence the product has by the licence number which will be shown alongside the symbol.
Some manufacturers and supermarkets use their own symbol to show that a food is gluten free. These symbols do not have licence numbers.
In an environment where food labels and legislative changes can be bewildering for someone on a gluten free diet, the Crossed Grain Trademark has proven to provide consumers with a quick reference point. When faced with uncertainty on the gluten status of a product it plays an important role in influencing people making gluten free product choices.
The Crossed Grain Trademark is an internationally registered Trademark and can only be used under licence on food and drink products that meet our criteria. To use the Crossed Grain Trademark, your products must meet a range of criteria to ensure that they are gluten free, both in terms of the ingredients and the production process.
There are two different types of Crossed Grain Trademark gluten free product certification: Europe and Global. Their certification packs will help you to choose the correct type of certification and explain the application process in full.

Coeliac Australia
Coeliac Australia’s vision is to enhance the lives of Australians with coeliac disease and related conditions.
Coeliac Australia is the leading national registered charity offering membership, support and credible information services to Australians with coeliac disease and associated conditions requiring a gluten free diet.
Joining Coeliac Australia as a member or an affiliate provides access to exclusive benefits, including resource kits, member card for discount shopping at Coles and other participating businesses, publications and the secure area of their website containing a vast array of resources and information. Exclusive activities include information seminars, shopping tours, gluten free food expos, support group meetings and family/children’s events.
Coeliac Australia aims to increase awareness of all aspects of coeliac disease. Coeliac Awareness Week (13-20 March annually) is a time when the organisation attracts publicity, coordinates events, and highlights programs that will generate more awareness regarding coeliac disease and the gluten free diet. They target those within and connected to the medical and dietary professions, the food and hospitality industry and the broader community.
Gluten Free Endorsement Program by Coeliac Australia
The Coeliac Australia Endorsement Program, utilising the Crossed Grain Logo, is a trademark owned and administered by Coeliac Australia under a licence agreement. The symbol of the crossed grain in a circle is both nationally and internationally recognised by those who need to follow a gluten free diet.
Manufacturers who subscribe to the endorsement program are permitted to use the logo on endorsed product packaging and marketing material.
Endorsed products have been proven to remove uncertainty and give gluten free consumers confidence to make safe choices.
Companies who are part of the endorsement program are promoted in the June and December issues of The Australian Coeliac magazine each year.
They promote the Coeliac Australia Endorsement Program to their members and ask that they purchase endorsed products whenever possible to support the manufacturers who have joined the program.
All manufacturers, both Australian and internationally based, are invited to endorse their products, food or non-food related.
However, they must fit the following criteria:
- Food products must be tested to have no detectable gluten.
- The product must have multiple ingredients and/or be processed. This means single ingredient unprocessed foods are not endorsed.
- Not contain Oats or Malted Barley (in line with FSANZ)
- Not have a Cross Contact Statement
- Be packaged and sealed for sale
- Have a Nutritional Information Panel and complete ingredient list (on the product packaging or at point of purchase)
- Each food product is subject to laboratory testing annually at the cost of the manufacturer.
Acceptance is at the discretion of Coeliac Australia.

Gluten Intolerance Group
Established in 2005, The Gluten-Free Certification Organization (GFCO), an industry program of the Gluten Intolerance Group (GIG), is dedicated to providing certification services to producers of gluten-free products using quality assessment and control measures throughout production, in order to provide assurance to consumers of the safety of their foods.
The GFCO is an industry program of the Gluten Intolerance Group, a 501c3 nonprofit that helps people with celiac disease and other gluten-related disorders live healthy lives.
GFCO is an internationally recognized certification symbol among consumers, certifying tens of thousands of products from hundreds of companies worldwide. GFCO combines the process of stringent desk audits of ingredients and suppliers with regular on-site inspections and monitoring of testing results to ensure standards are met.
Gluten-Free Certification from the Gluten Intolerance Group
The gluten-free product market is hot and one of the fastest growing consumer life and health choice markets. The key to being successful in this market is consumer confidence in products and manufacturing. In a recent survey of over 5000 consumers, over 80% said they buy products marked gluten-free (GF) over similar products. At the same time, 65% said they have little trust in manufacturing. Ninety-seven% of those polled are brand loyal.
Gluten-free certification benefits consumers by giving them confidence that a product is gluten-free. This not only reassures the consumer that the product has been tested and the site inspected, but it also saves the consumer time that would have been spent calling the manufacturer for the gluten-free status of the product.
Gluten-free certification gives consumers confidence and trust in a product. Although gluten-free certification is just 10 years old in North America, 76% of the consumers polled said they look for gluten-free certification on packages. In 2013, GFCO certified approximately 26% of the gluten-free product market, based on SPINS data. SPINS conducts independent market trend research of a number of markets, including the gluten-free market using point of sale information collected in natural foods markets. GFCO has partnered with SPINS on the gluten-free market research. GFCO certified products are expanding into mainstream retail markets as well as the natural markets.
The Gluten-Free Certification Organization (GFCO) is here to help you win consumer confidence and loyalty. GFCO provides third-party certification. GFCO sets the highest standards in quality control and assurance for GF certification. Our program involves risk assessment, plant audits, equipment testing, and product testing both in the plant and at point of consumer purchase.
Companies wishing to obtain GFCO certification and use the GFCO logo on their products must meet all of the requirements described in the GFCO Standard, which includes management, organizational and production requirements as well as verification that finished products contain no more than 10 ppm of gluten.